Stop smoking to save your sexual performance

There cannot be many people in todays world who do not know of the link between smoking and cancer. For these purposes, it does not matter how people smoke, whether it is a conventional cigarette, or a cubinian cigar, or one of the new electric cigarettes, the ingestion of nicotine in any form is likely to cause cancer. Much worse, because nicotine is very addictive substance, smokers rapidly become dependent on the drug and cannot easily quit even though there is clear evidence of a health problem developing in their organism. This physical dependence is reinforced by the habitual links between smoking and pleasurable activities, e.g. many smoke after a good meal or sex. Once these habits are formed, it becomes doubly difficult to stop. However, there are other effects on the body that can and do cause problems.

Ignoring the psychological pleasure of nicotine as a stimulant, it also raises the blood pressure. This results because nicotine causes the blood vessels to contract, forcing the heart to pump harder to send the blood around the body. Over time, circulation to the extremities of the body is restricted. There is also a tendency for this to produce arteriosclerosis, a permanent hardening of the arteries. In a research study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, heavy smoking was found the primary cause of arteriosclerosis in 70% of all cases.

Erection occurs when man is sexually stimulated. This make action on the muscle walls of the arteries leading into the penis. As the arteries dilate, more blood flows into the penis and the erection forms. As regular smokers, the arteries are regulary constricted by the presence of nicotine in the blood. If there is already some arteriosclerosis, the men will find it difficult to get or maintain an erection. In the long term, the result will be complete impotence. There's also clear evidence that smoking can damage the sperm and lead to infertility. Incidentally, the same result is achieved by smoking cannabis. Thus, even if an erection is still possible, long-term smokers may not be able to have children.

A recent study conducted by China scientists has found that men who smoke more than twenty cigarettes a day are 60% more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction than men who have never smoked. While young, men don not experience problems related to smoking. If they continue to smoke, the risk of impotence increases. Should there be some problems with erections, men can buy cialis and this will dilate the arteries leading into the penis and an erection will result. But this isn't long-term relief. If men continue to smoke and arteriosclerosis develops, no drug, even cialis, will be able dilate the arteries and impotence will be complete. In an ideal world, you will not smoke. If you do smoke while you young, you will give it up before there is any lasting damage.

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